
Untitled Tabletop Role-Playing Game: 0 Mission & Method

One of the most valuable questions you could ask is “why?” So why did I create this blog? Why am I setting out to design a tabletop role-playing game as an act of public performance?

Almost all creative endeavors can benefit from some degree of scrutiny (once again see the value of "why); forcing myself to explain the choices I make, including the alternatives I considered, might lead me to making better choices. More thoughtful choices? Or at least be aware of when I'm not being thoughtful and making decisions based purely on gut instinct. For the reader witnessing this project might give them some insight into game design, demystify the process, or if they think I made the wrong choice at any point it might inspire them to design their own TTRPG. With blackjack and hookers. 

Note for later: a blackjack based task resolution system might work for somebody.

Of course that sounds vaguely noble or purely artistic, but what's actually in this for me? First of all doing this all publicly might help guilt me into seeing this project through. I am definitely someone who has more inspiration than work ethic, flitting between projects whenever a newer shinier idea strikes me. Second, the readers of this blog might ask questions or raise issues I didn't think of. And finally, if I eventually decide to try to monetize the finished game doing it this way might build a fanbase for it.

Before I end this short introductory post, a little something about the "method" part of the title. My intent is to put up at least one post a week dealing with some element of game design, starting board and narrowing in as the game develops. Alternating between purely mechanical and narrative as long as that's feasible, which won't be long. I am currently labeling this project "Untitled Tabletop Role-Playing Game" because it is a tabletop role-playing game without a title, when the title situation changes I will likely go back and relabel all the old posts making this sentence seem weird. I'm taking the time to use a label because I may eventually use this blog for more than just this project.

-Comments welcome.

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